The students arrived in September to a jam-packed schedule of introductions to the faculty and the programme, a tour of Edinburgh, various workshops and the start of their first entrepreneurship module: Entrepreneurship and Creativity.
The one-year programme will see the students study on campus in Edinburgh for the first term before travelling to the campus in Dubai for six weeks before heading back to Scotland to complete the course, providing a truly international MBA experience. As well as lectures in the core MBA subjects, students will visit world-leading organisations both in the UK and Dubai including Tesco Bank and Emirates. They'll also have the opportunity to attend professional skills workshops and will be assigned a business mentor to help them produce an investor-ready business plan by the end of the year.
Doctor Barbara Jamieson, Director of MBA programmes at Edinburgh Business School says: “The new programme has been extremely well received and we are already receiving applications for next year. Students have come from all over the world, with a wide variety of career backgrounds and aspirations, providing each other with an extremely valuable international network from the offset – something they have all said is an essential part of their MBA experience.”

Dr Barbara Jamieson, pictured in Edinburgh Business School.
Professor Heather McGregor, Edinburgh Business School's Executive Dean, adds: “Our vision for this MBA is to deliver human capital – the ‘what you know’ – alongside social capital – the ‘who you know’. The students will be introduced to a large number of businesses and business leaders during their time with us and our hope and expectation is that they will be able to put these contacts to good use after they graduate. We're focused on developing tomorrow’s business leaders for tomorrow’s markets.”

Professor Heather McGregor, Executive Dean, Edinburgh Business School.