The Hutton Series on Climate Change is a series of events taking place across 2020-21 at Adam Smith’s Panmure House, bringing together a diverse cross-section of experts, business leaders, scientists, and concerned citizens in the service of one simple aim:
to identify ten key priorities, innovations & actions to mitigate the climate crisis.
In this final session, expert speakers from sessions one to five joined us to debate and finalise the ten key priorities, actions & innovations to mitigate climate crisis. Professor John Ludden presented themes and findings from the first five sessions, which our speakers considered in a series of debates chaired by Professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer. This session was interactive, with audience votes and comments forming a vital part of the final series report, which will be submitted to COP26.
The Session took place on the 29th of June from 16.00-17.30 (BST) on Zoom Webinar where we met to conclude the series and define the actions required to protect our climate.
Our TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, LINKEDIN & FACEBOOK feature updates about the series. #HuttonSeries & #AdamSmithHouse.

On the 29th of June from 16.00 (BST) on Zoom Webinar we concluded the series and the actions required to protect our climate.