Adam Smith Then and Now
Adam Smith's ideas and works are as relevant today as they were 300 years ago. Find out more about who Smith was, why he is known as the father of modern economics, and how we at Panmure House are applying his ideas to solve the problems we face today.

Who was Adam Smith?
Learn about Adam Smith's life and the works he completed - right here in Panmure House - which provide the foundation for studying the relationship between society, politics, commerce and prosperity.
Adam Smith
Adam Smith now
Panmure House is the final remaining home of Adam Smith. Today, we convene in his house to debate and research - in the spirit of Adam Smith and his Scottish Enlightenment contemporaries. Learn more about our work.
Smith's future legacy
We are stewarding Smith's legacy, applying his teachings today, and educating the next generation. Through our Smith's School Series we are creating learning opportunities for the next generation of critical thinkers.
Smith Schools' Series