Hutton Series on Climate Change Final Report
A report is published after each session, highlighting the key discussion points. All five reports from the Hutton Series will be collated and contribute to the final paper that will be released for COP26 in November 2021.

Session One Report
Establishing 10 key priorities, actions and innovations to mitigate climate crisis. Our keynote speakers for the inaugural session in October 2020 are the environmental and polar scientist Professor Sir Ian Boyd, former chief scientist at DEFRA & member of SAGE, and the CEO of Natwest Group (formerly RBS), Alison Rose.
Read the Report
Session Two Report
Session Two's diverse panel convened to ideate how the financial sector can help mitigate climate change. Our keynote speakers for this second session were Keith Skeoch, Chairman of Aberdeen Standard Investments Research Institute, and Kirsty Hamilton, Former Director of the Low Carbon Finance Group.
Read the Report
Session Three Report
This session brought together distinguished experts in their field to debate and discuss the key scientific and technological ramifications of climate change. Our keynote speakers for the third session were Chris Stark, Chief Executive of Climate Change Committee, and Angela Hepworth, Commercial Director of Innovation at Drax Group.
Read the Report
Session Four Report
This session was a virtual round table discussion between concerned citizens, chaired by Prof. Iain Stewart. Featuring voices from across sectors and generations, this fourth event in The Hutton Series on Climate Change is interactive, featuring audience polls and the opportunity to add questions or comments on the 10 key priorities, actions & innovations to mitigate climate crisis.
Read the Report
Session Five Report
In this session, chaired by Professor Richard A. Williams, we heard keynotes from Professor Sir David King, Professor Susan Krumdieck and Lord Browne of Madingley as they debated and discussed the engineering solutions as part of our objective to identify 10 key priorities, actions & innovations to mitigate the climate crisis.

As a participant in the financial sector session, alongside senior figures from the investment and financial regulation worlds, it offered an opportunity to look back in order to look ahead.
Read Kirsty Hamilton's article in Panmure House Perspectives.

Adaptation for Future Resilience
Now might be a good time to think how life might be in future. If the world has not been jolted by COVID-19 then it is hard to know what else would create the conditions for introspection about what we value.
Read Prof. Sir Ian Boyd's article in Panmure House Perspectives.

COP26 is our opportunity to re-commit ourselves to the difficult but perfectly feasible challenges of taking our country to net zero
How to get to Net-Zero
A Climate for Change, But How?
The Role of Business in addressing climate change.
Written by Jane Diplock AO

The Significance of Carbon Pricing
Economic thinker Andrew Milligan takes us back to basics on the significance of carbon pricing.
The significance of carbon pricing
The Role of Engineering in Addressing Climate Change
Session Five of the Hutton Series saw the panellists recognising the importance of the transition in energy use and associated infrastructure and related behavioural patterns. Professor Susan Krumdieck outlines the details in her manifesto for Panmure House Perspectives.
The Role of Engineering in Addressing Climate Change"The past history of our globe must be explained by what can be seen to be happening now"
So must its future.
James Hutton 1785