Adam Smith
Adam Smith is best known today as the father of modern economics. His most famous work, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, continues to be regarded as the foundation text for the study of the relationship between society, politics, commerce and prosperity.
Yet there is more to Adam Smith than a single book, no matter how influential it proved to be. His other philosophical work ranged widely, taking in explorations of morality, aesthetics and jurisprudence. He was also a teacher with a profound interest in education for all.
Adam Smith, therefore, deserves his place as a central figure of the Scottish Enlightenment - the extraordinary flowering of intellectual and cultural achievement that contributed so much to the shaping of the modern world.

Portrait of Adam Smith by the Edinburgh printmaker and caricaturist John Kay, 1790
Smith’s fame, and that of his best-known work, first published in 1776, is reflected in the title of the print.
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