Thank you for visiting Adam Smith's Panmure House.
Today, Panmure House is a research centre owned by Heriot-Watt University. It is open to the public in the month of August during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. This code has been created so that you can engage with the Panmure House project no matter what month you are visiting.
In a Nutshell
Panmure House serves as a modern centre of debate, discussion and enlightenment, furthering the original theories of Smith. In order to fulfil the project's mission, there is a wide offering of academic programming that engages a global demographic of children, students, academics, industry professionals and Smith-fanatics alike.
Panmure House is:
- The final remaining home of ADAM SMITH, philosopher and 'father of modern economics.'.
- Host to one of the world's largest academic prizes in Economics.
- A unique venue for the annual Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
- Owned by Heriot-Watt University and governed by an independent Advisory Board.
- Situated in the heart of Edinburgh's Canongate.
- Rich in historical significance dating back to 1691.
- Set to become a hub of activity in 2023 to celebrate Smith's 300th birthday. We're working hard to design tercentennial celebrations for next year so keep us mind for this momentous occasion.