Tercentenary Lecture Series

Dominic Frisby - 'Father of the Fringe Film Screening'

Dr Roos Slegers - 'How Adam Smith Can Help Us Make Sense of Social Media'

Dr Brian Bonnyman - Duke of Buccleuch: Education and Patronage in the Scottish Enlightenment.

Professor Chandran Kukathas 'Adam Smith and Immigration: the division of labour, the extent of the market, and moral development.'

Professor Estrella Trincado - 'Smith's Criticism of Hume'

Professor Sandrine Berges - 'Translating Smith for the Revolution’

Request Free Tickets
Thanks to the generosity of our funders, The Friends of Panmure House, we are welcoming leading authors and thinkers to Adam Smith to Panmure House.
Speakers will explore Smith's work and legacy as well as his formative experiences, the context of 18th-century society and the Scottish Enlightenment.
Click here for biographies of our guest speakers
55 minutes (90 minutes for Dominic Frisby)
The Reading Room, Panmure House please see below for a map
Full price: FREE
Concession: FREE
Latecomers cannot be admitted under any circumstances. Please arrive at the venue in plenty of time.